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March 26, 2025  
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Current Status Report  ---->  As of: 5:52 am, 3/26/2025
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Name In/Out Time Date Notes
Name In/Out Time Date Notes
ABryant out 7:30 pm 10/16/2024
ACheney in 4:42 pm 5/8/2017
AGomez out 11:19 pm 3/25/2025
AHernandez out 1:53 am 10/27/2024 see yall in a yearski
AMacintosh out 9:04 pm 3/18/2025
APapa in 10:37 pm 3/25/2025
ARicci out 2:28 am 2/17/2024
ARieta out 12:21 am 3/26/2025
AStewart in 11:11 pm 3/25/2025
BAloia out 11:59 pm 3/25/2025
BAnderson out 10:34 pm 3/25/2025 30 min lunch
BArriola out 1:31 am 3/23/2025
BBallard out 7:30 pm 1/9/2025
BBunch out 11:20 pm 3/25/2025
BMcQuay out 1:00 am 10/10/2023
Booboo in 10:08 pm 3/25/2025
Bwinter out 1:01 am 3/24/2025
ccordoba out 12:55 am 3/26/2025
Cmunoz out 2:35 am 6/5/2021
courtney out 11:06 pm 3/13/2025
CPadilla out 12:53 am 3/25/2025
CWilcock out 12:16 am 2/14/2025
Dchamoun out 1:00 am 3/24/2025
DGaldamez out 1:01 am 3/26/2025
DHawkins out 12:04 am 3/14/2025
DHess out 12:21 am 3/23/2025
DPalmer in 3:07 pm 3/25/2025 armoury
Dprieto out 12:53 am 3/25/2025
DThiesRomero out 12:50 am 3/26/2025
DWilliams out 2:12 am 1/2/2025 thank you battlefield. i am grateful.
ECarrillo out 1:01 am 3/26/2025
EGarcia out 12:59 am 3/26/2025
EGarrido out 12:56 am 3/22/2025
ESmall out 12:35 am 3/25/2025
FHutch out 12:54 am 3/26/2025
FRodriguez out 1:00 am 3/26/2025
GBaker out 12:49 am 3/26/2025
GMaes out 12:52 am 3/26/2025
GMilbauer out 12:33 am 2/21/2025
Hburns out 12:59 am 3/24/2025
Name In/Out Time Date Notes
HNavarrete out 1:02 am 3/26/2025
HRebugio out 1:00 am 3/24/2025
ILOW out 12:54 am 3/26/2025
IMadrid out 12:11 am 2/2/2025
IPiparo out 12:03 am 3/26/2025 machine shop all day
JAlfonsi out 11:10 pm 3/25/2025
JAlipio out 1:31 am 3/23/2025
JBley out 2:57 am 2/5/2023
JBuckley out 12:53 am 9/20/2024 farewell gents, see ya soon
Jdavis out 4:17 pm 3/25/2025
JDiaz out 12:49 am 3/26/2025
Jensen in 2:55 pm 1/15/2021
JFernandezJR out 11:00 pm 3/23/2025
JGarcia out 9:18 pm 7/10/2024
JHernandez out 1:00 am 3/26/2025
JLashua out 12:41 am 3/25/2025
JoelFernandez in 11:46 pm 3/25/2025
JPerez out 12:16 am 3/26/2025
JSanchez out 11:40 pm 3/17/2025
JThomas out 3:19 am 12/30/2024
JVera out 10:55 pm 3/17/2025
JYC out 1:01 am 10/4/2015
JYung out 12:45 am 3/22/2025
KCampbell out 1:04 am 3/26/2025
kcheney out 3:48 am 10/3/2012 ive had enough
KVargas in 11:39 pm 3/25/2025
KVelasco out 1:01 am 3/26/2025
KWickert out 12:42 am 3/26/2025
Lhitzman out 1:03 am 3/26/2025
LoganK out 10:54 pm 3/23/2025
LoganT out 1:06 am 3/25/2025
MGarrido out 1:02 am 3/24/2025
MGarvey in 7:28 pm 3/25/2025
MHENNES out 5:33 pm 6/19/2024
mjohnson out 12:55 am 3/26/2025
mlee out 10:40 pm 9/9/2023
MMartin out 12:01 am 3/5/2024
MOjeda out 11:56 pm 3/23/2025
MPalmer out 1:01 am 3/24/2025
MSalmon out 10:37 pm 3/25/2025
Name In/Out Time Date Notes
msanto out 12:54 am 3/26/2025
msupnick out 6:00 am 3/13/2013
NBley out 1:48 am 3/8/2025
NGass out 6:27 pm 3/13/2025
NKerusnko out 1:01 am 3/2/2024
Nneeman out 1:00 am 3/26/2025
NNolan out 12:39 am 3/23/2025
Nploeg out 1:00 am 7/29/2020
NWickham out 2:01 am 3/6/2024
PHELMER out 1:00 am 3/25/2025
RBetancourt in 10:08 pm 3/25/2025
RCADENAS out 5:33 pm 3/25/2025
RCarmona out 1:33 am 3/23/2025
RDoug in 11:35 pm 3/25/2025
RNguyen in 10:42 pm 3/25/2025
Rrobl in 10:08 pm 3/25/2025
Rrodela out 6:39 pm 3/17/2025
SCooper out 1:00 am 3/26/2025
SElliot out 11:19 pm 3/25/2025
SGREY out 12:12 am 4/19/2023
SHENDERSON out 6:23 pm 3/6/2025
SMagallanes out 12:38 am 3/26/2025 forgot to clock in 850am
SMoss out 10:15 pm 3/25/2025
SRamirez out 1:00 am 3/26/2025 lunch 1200 to 1230
SRickard out 9:01 pm 3/22/2025
Tboatright in 8:29 pm 3/25/2025
TFuentes out 1:01 am 3/26/2025
TMontefalcon out 1:01 am 3/26/2025
TValdez out 10:26 pm 3/24/2025
VCenizal out 1:01 am 3/26/2025
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