Current Status Report ----> As of: 5:52 am,
3/26/2025 |
printer friendly page |
Name |
In/Out |
Time |
Date |
Notes |
Name |
In/Out |
Time |
Date |
Notes |
ABryant |
out |
7:30 pm |
10/16/2024 |
ACheney |
in |
4:42 pm |
5/8/2017 |
AGomez |
out |
11:19 pm |
3/25/2025 |
AHernandez |
out |
1:53 am |
10/27/2024 |
see yall in a yearski |
AMacintosh |
out |
9:04 pm |
3/18/2025 |
APapa |
in |
10:37 pm |
3/25/2025 |
ARicci |
out |
2:28 am |
2/17/2024 |
ARieta |
out |
12:21 am |
3/26/2025 |
AStewart |
in |
11:11 pm |
3/25/2025 |
BAloia |
out |
11:59 pm |
3/25/2025 |
BAnderson |
out |
10:34 pm |
3/25/2025 |
30 min lunch |
BArriola |
out |
1:31 am |
3/23/2025 |
BBallard |
out |
7:30 pm |
1/9/2025 |
BBunch |
out |
11:20 pm |
3/25/2025 |
BMcQuay |
out |
1:00 am |
10/10/2023 |
Booboo |
in |
10:08 pm |
3/25/2025 |
Bwinter |
out |
1:01 am |
3/24/2025 |
ccordoba |
out |
12:55 am |
3/26/2025 |
Cmunoz |
out |
2:35 am |
6/5/2021 |
courtney |
out |
11:06 pm |
3/13/2025 |
CPadilla |
out |
12:53 am |
3/25/2025 |
CWilcock |
out |
12:16 am |
2/14/2025 |
Dchamoun |
out |
1:00 am |
3/24/2025 |
DGaldamez |
out |
1:01 am |
3/26/2025 |
DHawkins |
out |
12:04 am |
3/14/2025 |
DHess |
out |
12:21 am |
3/23/2025 |
DPalmer |
in |
3:07 pm |
3/25/2025 |
armoury |
Dprieto |
out |
12:53 am |
3/25/2025 |
DThiesRomero |
out |
12:50 am |
3/26/2025 |
DWilliams |
out |
2:12 am |
1/2/2025 |
thank you battlefield. i am grateful. |
ECarrillo |
out |
1:01 am |
3/26/2025 |
EGarcia |
out |
12:59 am |
3/26/2025 |
EGarrido |
out |
12:56 am |
3/22/2025 |
ESmall |
out |
12:35 am |
3/25/2025 |
FHutch |
out |
12:54 am |
3/26/2025 |
FRodriguez |
out |
1:00 am |
3/26/2025 |
GBaker |
out |
12:49 am |
3/26/2025 |
GMaes |
out |
12:52 am |
3/26/2025 |
GMilbauer |
out |
12:33 am |
2/21/2025 |
Hburns |
out |
12:59 am |
3/24/2025 |
Name |
In/Out |
Time |
Date |
Notes |
HNavarrete |
out |
1:02 am |
3/26/2025 |
HRebugio |
out |
1:00 am |
3/24/2025 |
out |
12:54 am |
3/26/2025 |
IMadrid |
out |
12:11 am |
2/2/2025 |
IPiparo |
out |
12:03 am |
3/26/2025 |
machine shop all day |
JAlfonsi |
out |
11:10 pm |
3/25/2025 |
JAlipio |
out |
1:31 am |
3/23/2025 |
JBley |
out |
2:57 am |
2/5/2023 |
JBuckley |
out |
12:53 am |
9/20/2024 |
farewell gents, see ya soon |
Jdavis |
out |
4:17 pm |
3/25/2025 |
JDiaz |
out |
12:49 am |
3/26/2025 |
Jensen |
in |
2:55 pm |
1/15/2021 |
JFernandezJR |
out |
11:00 pm |
3/23/2025 |
JGarcia |
out |
9:18 pm |
7/10/2024 |
JHernandez |
out |
1:00 am |
3/26/2025 |
JLashua |
out |
12:41 am |
3/25/2025 |
JoelFernandez |
in |
11:46 pm |
3/25/2025 |
JPerez |
out |
12:16 am |
3/26/2025 |
JSanchez |
out |
11:40 pm |
3/17/2025 |
JThomas |
out |
3:19 am |
12/30/2024 |
JVera |
out |
10:55 pm |
3/17/2025 |
out |
1:01 am |
10/4/2015 |
JYung |
out |
12:45 am |
3/22/2025 |
KCampbell |
out |
1:04 am |
3/26/2025 |
kcheney |
out |
3:48 am |
10/3/2012 |
ive had enough |
KVargas |
in |
11:39 pm |
3/25/2025 |
KVelasco |
out |
1:01 am |
3/26/2025 |
KWickert |
out |
12:42 am |
3/26/2025 |
Lhitzman |
out |
1:03 am |
3/26/2025 |
LoganK |
out |
10:54 pm |
3/23/2025 |
LoganT |
out |
1:06 am |
3/25/2025 |
MGarrido |
out |
1:02 am |
3/24/2025 |
MGarvey |
in |
7:28 pm |
3/25/2025 |
out |
5:33 pm |
6/19/2024 |
mjohnson |
out |
12:55 am |
3/26/2025 |
mlee |
out |
10:40 pm |
9/9/2023 |
MMartin |
out |
12:01 am |
3/5/2024 |
MOjeda |
out |
11:56 pm |
3/23/2025 |
MPalmer |
out |
1:01 am |
3/24/2025 |
MSalmon |
out |
10:37 pm |
3/25/2025 |
Name |
In/Out |
Time |
Date |
Notes |
msanto |
out |
12:54 am |
3/26/2025 |
msupnick |
out |
6:00 am |
3/13/2013 |
NBley |
out |
1:48 am |
3/8/2025 |
NGass |
out |
6:27 pm |
3/13/2025 |
NKerusnko |
out |
1:01 am |
3/2/2024 |
Nneeman |
out |
1:00 am |
3/26/2025 |
NNolan |
out |
12:39 am |
3/23/2025 |
Nploeg |
out |
1:00 am |
7/29/2020 |
NWickham |
out |
2:01 am |
3/6/2024 |
out |
1:00 am |
3/25/2025 |
RBetancourt |
in |
10:08 pm |
3/25/2025 |
out |
5:33 pm |
3/25/2025 |
RCarmona |
out |
1:33 am |
3/23/2025 |
RDoug |
in |
11:35 pm |
3/25/2025 |
RNguyen |
in |
10:42 pm |
3/25/2025 |
Rrobl |
in |
10:08 pm |
3/25/2025 |
Rrodela |
out |
6:39 pm |
3/17/2025 |
SCooper |
out |
1:00 am |
3/26/2025 |
SElliot |
out |
11:19 pm |
3/25/2025 |
out |
12:12 am |
4/19/2023 |
out |
6:23 pm |
3/6/2025 |
SMagallanes |
out |
12:38 am |
3/26/2025 |
forgot to clock in 850am |
SMoss |
out |
10:15 pm |
3/25/2025 |
SRamirez |
out |
1:00 am |
3/26/2025 |
lunch 1200 to 1230 |
SRickard |
out |
9:01 pm |
3/22/2025 |
Tboatright |
in |
8:29 pm |
3/25/2025 |
TFuentes |
out |
1:01 am |
3/26/2025 |
TMontefalcon |
out |
1:01 am |
3/26/2025 |
TValdez |
out |
10:26 pm |
3/24/2025 |
VCenizal |
out |
1:01 am |
3/26/2025 |